Creating a SSL Client in Godot

This tutorial will cover using Godot’s StreamPeerSSL class to create a TLS/SSL connection to a server. It builds off of my TCP client tutorial where we created a TCP (non-SSL) connection. You will need the completed file found at the end of the Client Class section (in the aforementioned TCP client tutorial) to start from for the remainder of this tutorial. Disclaimer I am not a security expert and claim no guarantees on the safety of using this technique....

September 10, 2021 · Thomas Langford

Creating a TCP Client in Godot

Godot has excellent networking support with a fully implemented high level networking API to make creating networked multiplayer games easy. Occasionally though, it’s desirable to have a direct TCP connection to a server to be able to send or receive some information. This tutorial will walk you through using Godot’s StreamPeerTCP class to create a client than can connect to a TCP server. Setup First create a new Godot project....

August 8, 2021 · Thomas Langford